
Agroecology is a science, a set of practices and a social movement, it is a living concept that renews itself by adapting to social, political, economic and ecological changes. It feeds on the ancestral knowledge and practices of peasants, Indigenous peoples and other small-scale food producers.

Crocevia supports international peasant movements in the paradigm shift of international policies in favour of agroecology and works to promote a Common Agricultural Policy in favour of peasants and small-scale farmers. In Italy, Crocevia is promoting the approval of a popular bill that recognises and defends peasant agriculture.

Since 1996, Crocevia has served as the Secretariat of the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC), an autonomous platform of over 6000 organisations representing 300 million small-scale food producers who share the principles of Food Sovereignty.

The IPC focuses primarily on food policy dialogue in UN agencies with a mandate to end hunger and promote rural development. The IPC has supported the entire Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) process on Agroecology from the beginning, through the active participation of representatives of the organisations that are part of the platform. In particular, the IPC participated in the symposia that took place in 2014 and 2018 and in the latest sessions of the FAO Committee on Agriculture. The IPC was also involved in the construction of a theoretical framework for the development of public policies aimed at creating an enabling environment for the extension of that agroecology practised by small-scale food producers, particularly women and youth, in various territories around the world.

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