Why we don’t need an “IPCC for food”
Do we really need a new interface between science and policy on these issues? In our opinion, no.
Farmers’ Rights at the Global Consultation
(La version française au dessous) 27-30 September 2016, Bali, Indonesia EU regulations and new breeding techniques: Which legal framework is…
ITPGRFA: At Consultation on Farmers’ Rights, La Via Campesina demands a working group in the Treaty comprising peasants’ organisations, to help implement peasants’ rights
FRENCH VERSION: https://viacampesina.org/fr/index.php/les-grands-ths-mainmenu-27/biodiversitt-resources-gtiques-mainmenu-37/1373-travailler-au-sein-du-traite-international-sur-les-ressources-phytogenetiques-pour-mettre-en-oeuvre-les-droits-paysans At the global consultation on Farmers’ Rights organized by Government of Indonesia and supported by the Ministry of…